Post by Jay Blair on Aug 29, 2005 5:15:29 GMT -5
The worms are enchytraeids commonly called potworms. Some novice growers mistakenly think they are nematodes. i was lucky to have had Mary Appelhofs book 'Worms Eat My Garbage" as my educational text when I first discovered them in my bins about eight years ago.
Ms Appelhof addressed these worms in Chapter 12 , "What are some of the other critters in my worm bin?" of her book.
She explained that the enchytraeids digest only part of the nutrients in decomposing material. This partial breakdown actually helps the decomp by other organisms in the bin.
My current concern of the enchytraeids is not in my bins but rather in my feedstuff predigester tank.
While canning this seasons tomatoes I added large quantities to a couple of my tanks. These tanks are now overly infested with th potworms and the nix has a pH2 level.
With this in mind , i thought that the rasers without pH meters could use appearence of these worms as an indication of bin pH going oo acidic for optimal environment for the eisina fetida or indigenous eartworms being used.
My two experiments with these infestations are going to include both population reduction and also etablishing a high acidity bin stocked with potwors to convert compost for use as nutrient to areas of my yard in shade where I plant moss as gras wont grow in the area. Currently to provide nutrient to these moss growths I spray vinegar.
Post by tt on Aug 30, 2005 8:34:01 GMT -5
Pot worms are quite poplar with fish keepers so you could keep the cultures to raise and sell to these people.
Post by Jay Blair on Sept 1, 2005 1:46:53 GMT -5
My goldfish like them better than the dead blodworms I knotice.
Since these established in a digester full of tomatoes, I think i may try a normal bedding mix with vinegar added.